HLRA authors
Developers of Half-Life Red Alert Exp. mod
— public mail of HLRA team.
Dzug@ru — Dmitrij Popov
leader member of the project, coder, mapper and texture maker (also russian articles on this site).
RooFman — Nikita Buyanov
Mapper, modeller, textures, makes first website of the project and a few articles.
RooFman and Dzug@ru makes first demoversion of Red Alert Xpantion mod in 2003 year. When RooFman made Lenin_after.bsp map in 2004,
he set a new quality level for maps in our project.
Yozhik aka Keks — Anton Korotayev
Our mapper, textures maker and site web-designer. Two designs of the site :)
the Mastermind (Loony tM) — Vasilij Ivasyov
Our extreme mapper and textures maker (and coder)
Nazgul — Viktor Iljin
ObaGlaza — Alexandr Pasyada
modeller, mapper, sound & textures maker, web-corrector and music.
Mr.Slam — Konstantin Gadyrka
our industrial mapper
Mig29 — Pavel Gorbunov
heavy brushbuilding and scripts concept
AoS — Alexej I.
music & concept..
And they who has helped us:
S@sH@ Che@tEr (
) — old hosting of demo, DM-map and much other,
— map xxx6.bsp and rain code + gives us an answers for many puzzles in modbuilding,
Jaturkenjensirhiv — answers for stupid questions about coding,
HAZARD — for branch in the forum (his website halflifebook.narod.ru),
Gua (
) — concepts, support (his website gua.cs-mapping.com.ua)
Flash — for models, ideas and remake of map dm_meat,
DJ Reaktor — Boris — kolbasny music,
Nicord — took part in making models base for HLRA mod,
and also:
Lexer (
) и
FreeDex с delf13.narod.ru
Igor (
Helen (
Phoenyx, Dexter,
Dan (
), Olga,
Lexart, Crusader,
Gotcha!, Glitch,
Perplexus (
Bot711 from bot711.3dn.ru site,
perhaps remember not all... But big thanks for great support to users of the
forum half-life.ru/forum.