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You can download a playable truncated version of
Half-Life mod H-L Red Alert Xpantion for Developers:

Version for Developers of Half-Life Red Alert Expantion mod
download Half-Life Red Alert Xpantion (HL mod) for developers    download HLRA version for development [158 Mb in .7z archive].

ra.fgd — HLRA game definition file ver. 4 for map editors [10 Kb].

Or you can download old Half-life Red Alert Xpantion demo created in 2003 year under Half-Life ver. or later (of course, except version 2 and later).
≈72 Mb .msi file in Microsoft Installer format.

Cumulative patch for Half-life: Red Alert mod ver. 004 from January 2014 for old HLRA demoversion 2003 year. It is complemented by the updated models, textures, sounds and sprites. It also included the updated code from the previous patch. Unpack the 004 patch in "Half-Life" folder (or "Half-Life Opposing Force" or etc.) and it will update the contents of subfolder "Ralert".
download patch_hlra_v004.7z download patch v.004 [33 Mb in .7z archive].

russian menu patch for russification [90 Kb in .zip archive]

Dzug@ru's new map for Source engine is made like minimod RED MESA for Half-Life 2
Half-Life Red Alert Expantion mod: episode The Red Meza
download Red MESA (HL mod) download betaversion of RED MESA [6,9 Mb].
It needs only original Half-Life 2, you needn't have any Episode.
Architecture is look like first maps of Red Alert Xpantion mod for Half-Life 1, but there aren't the same:
Half-Life Red Alert Xpantion mod: episode The Red Mesa Half-Life Red Alert Xpantion mod: episode The Red Meza
You can take brief review of this Source minimod in short video from its alfaversion. Quality of that video is not really cool because Dzug@ru didn't make a cubemaps in alfa (but you can download beta) and compression of video is too high.

X-abaddon — well made big singleplayer map for Half-Life 1 by Loony T.M. It represents a variation of the Xen planet world. Fans of Xen places must download and play quickly! Map has its own textures in wad file.

H-L карта X-abaddon.bsp H-L карта X-abaddon.bsp

download H-L map x-abaddon.rmf download map X-abaddon.bsp with textures wad file [1320 kb in .zip archive].
download H-L map x-abaddon.rmf and here you can download source of the map xsource.rmf without wad file [198 kb in .zip archive].

Blue Hi-Tech — not very big multiplayer map by Yozhik for Half-Life 1.
Map is required only original Half-life game and it is not needed any extra resources.
H-L map Blue.bsp map Blue.bsp
download multiplayer map Blue.bsp download Blue.bsp map [214 kb in 7z archive].


Fallen sun part 1 — track before final scene from HLRA project [5.1 Mb in mp3]

Sravnjat s zemljoj or Lenin4 — melody from an episode when player meets a soldiers at the first - on map !Lenin4 [4 Mb in mp3]

Lenin6b.ogg — music on Lenin6b.bsp map by Roofman [3.7 Mb in ogg]

Summoning of Digits — music on Loony2.bsp map when Garga appears.
[3.5 Mb in ogg]

Winamp skin in "Half-life: Red Alert" style by mr. Slam [91 kb]

WinAmp skin от HL Red Alert mod

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Half-life Red Alert Expantion
Presented by HLRA team

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