Half-Life Red Alert mod

ENG english version of "SCREENSHOTS FROM MAP xxx3" page
RUS русская версия страницы "КАДРЫ C КАРТЫ xxx3"

Screenshots from map xxx3 by Dzug@ru and ObaGlaza. There is a large underground railway tunnel with trestle bridges. And a part of ceiling crumbled in its middle location.

View to the broken permanent way from a wringed trestle:
trestle on xxx3 map

Nearby previous place:
Wringed trestle on xxx3.bsp map

Neighbour part of the tunnel from suspended trestle:
Above the tunnel on xxx3 map

Below there are receivers for compressed air near the platform:
receivers for compressed air below

Snipers settles down here.
And elevator needs rework because its walls looks too thick:

Here are some experimental screenshots:
If all of it would be in smoke:
smole in tunnel

Test version with a rough of railway bay.
Grenade is falling but those soldiers who had thrown it have hidden behind a cover:
on tunnel railway

There is almost completed bay with the exception of couplings.
It was too dark here so night vision device are switched on:

Sample of using sleepers textures with a transparency which makes by alpha-channel (textures are here): sleepers textures with a transparency

Old experiment on the map: tank flatten to the wall:

To SCREENSHOTS section of HLRA site

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